Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Yeah, about that...STOP WHINING!

As you may have guessed, this particular post is about whining and whiners. I have no particular targets in mind, so what brings this on you might ask? Well, I have pretty big ears and as I experience each day, I hear conversations that go on all around me. Some of these conversations are nice, simple, how's your day kind of conversations, but the majority seem to be people complaining about something. My gut response to that is to turn around, look them in the eye, and calmly say "Stop Whining!" At least as calmly as you can shout anything.

So what constitutes whining? What makes a person a whiner? Websters Dictionary defines whining as: to complain with or as if with a whine . What is a whine? It is a high pitched, annoying noise that grates on one's nerves. So, in simple terms, whining is the act of complaining about something so much that your voice takes on a nasal, high-pitched quality because of the constant repetition of the complaint. The constantcy with which some people whine becomes, not only predictably boring, but viewed with trepidition as they start to really build up steam for their whining fit.

What to do about it? My gut response? Shoot them. A more practical response? Council them. Council them you ask? Yes, council them. When someone comes to you with a whine or complaint, stop them in their tracks with a simple statement: "So fix it." In most cases this stops them in mid whine as if they can't believe that you just said that. What's not to believe? It seems a very simple solution to me. If something in life is in your way, causing you angst, then do something about it. Don't spend all of your energy lamenting the unfairness of the universe in its galactic conspiracy to make your life miserable. Spend some of that energy in coming up with a viable solution and spend the rest of that energy in actually implmenting the solution.

What if I'm afraid of the solution, you ask? What if the solution brings a drastic change in your life or lifestyle? My response: So what? Who cares if it changes your life or lifestyle? If that's the solution, then obviously its time for you to make that change. Obviously there's some force in the universe (call it God, call it fate, call it time) that is pushing you in that direction. The pressures that are building up and causing you to whine so much are obviously building to a crescendo. Before that crescendo hits, do something about it. Release that pressure. Get it out of your system so that you can stop torturing the rest of us with your whining and start having a happy life and a good time! Everyone is entitled to these things (not at the expense of others), but you have to get up and go get them!

What about the people who's whole lives are built around whining? What about the ones who are only happy when they are complaining about something? Shoot them, we don't need them anyway!


Casey said...

shoot them all and let god sort em out.

MK said...